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Hitting the Bull's Eye: Top 5 Tactics for Non Profits Targeting Audiences Online

As we work and consult for a large non profit client base, we find that many are tasked with speaking to a variety of audiences online. This poses many potential conflicts, however, as it requires an understanding audience needs and how to speak to each target effectively.

To help do just that, here are five strategies you can undertake right now to ensure that you hit the bull's eye when targeting different types of audiences and not get off the mark in terms of time and budget.

1. First, separate your passion from your business objectives.

For example, let's say that a particular business is selling insurance for children. One should suppose that the target audience is, of course, parents. Suddenly, the business decides to change their site design to be children-focused, thinking: "We're serving kids, so let's make our site reflect that." Huge mistake, as the core objective is not to sell to children. By changing the focus of the site, the business will lose touch with their audience, and more significantly, lose sales.

2. Next, take an inventory of your target audience.

Are they Grantees? Curators? Grantees and Curators? Grantees, Curators, Parents and Museums? List any and all target types your site objectives apply to.

3. After you take inventory, prioritize the list.

For each audience type, assign a target allocation percentage. For example, if 80% of your site is targeted to grantees, and yet only 20% is targeted to parents, make sure a majority of your site is grantee-geared in design, layout, content, and functionality. If you have three or more different types of targets, consider having a separate audience navigation with customized pathways focused on each type.

4. Test, then repeat.

In the end, usability testing is the final important step to ensure that you are doing your best to capture the voice, tone, design, and features that your audiences will respond well to. Taking the time to do this early in the development of your site will ensure that your efforts are maximized and your outcome is successful.

5. As an aside, if you're targeting money people, be open to site design improvement.

If you're targeting stakeholders and other important potential investors, be open to design that will take your site to the next level in terms of a more sophisticated look and feel. After all, you don't want a site that says: "I'm small potatoes. You shouldn't take us seriously or waste any of your funding on us."

Use these techniques as to achieve your audience's needs while keeping your Web site project on time and within budget.

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