Why Website Security?
This 2 The Point episode by iS2 Digital dives deep into website security, a critical but often overlooked aspect for small and medium businesses (SMBs). The episode highlights the importance of utilizing security measures like two-factor authentication, firewalls, and Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) to protect your website from cyber threats. Finally, the podcast emphasizes the crucial role of website backups and recovery plans in minimizing the impact of a successful attack. By implementing these strategies, businesses can significantly enhance their website security and protect themselves from the potential consequences of a cyberattack, such as data breaches, financial losses, and reputation damage.
Kevin Goldberg, CEO of iS2 Digital, warns that "statistically speaking, your website will be attacked this year." Hackers target websites to steal user data or exploit server resources, even for SMBs.
Here are some key takeaways to fortify your website's defenses:
- Implement strong password policies and user role management.
- Regularly update website software and security patches.
- Utilize two-factor authentication and firewalls.
- Consider a Content Delivery Network (CDN) for added protection.
- Have a website backup and recovery plan in place.
- Address data privacy concerns like GDPR and CCPA compliance.