Writings, Musings, Ponderings, and Other (th)ings ... looking up at the world around us.
Be Honest and Transparent and You Will Be Unique
Yesterday I received an email from a gentleman I met through a Boston University alumni event. I was class of 1991; he was class of 2007. He told me that he and a partner were going to set up a Web Marketing company and asked if I had any advice for him. Ah, the young seeking advice from the old ... but in my case, not so much the old as the experienced. My initial reaction was, "poor young grasshopper ... why on Earth would you want to start a web company? And why now in 2010?" But then I thought about the day I started Imagistic with my partners.
Read MoreMixing It Up At The Inbound Marketing Summit - Boston
I was fortunate enough to run a session at last week's Inbound Marketing Summit in Boston. While I was not on the main stage, I am proud to have been on the same roster as Chris Brogan, David Meerman Scott and Scott Stratten, to name a few. The speakers were chock full of new ideas, strategies and funny stories. Overall it was a very entertaining conference.
Read MoreAll is Very Lost
As I continue to mourn the end of ABC’s groundbreaking series Lost – you’re probably still in the midst of feeling quite sick from hearing all the crying and kvetching from the castaway fans.
I don’t know what the heck it is (a standard phrase of everyone on and watching the show), but it’s a really hard thing to shake for us Losties. Just ask this guy.
Read MoreUse Your Juice
In 1993 I was a naive screenwriter. I had written a script thatI felt was worthy to be made in to a major motion picture. I was not so delusional that I thought I could win an Oscar, but I did think it was quite a good piece of work. I knew a producer and asked him to read it. Before he even looked at the title he looked at me and said "Who do you know?" It was clear that I did not understand as he then stated, "I don't care what this story is about, let alone if it is any good. What I need to know is, who do you know?" Again, I was speechless.
Read MoreWWWHAT?
Oh, my. The debate has begun. You have probably heard this recent news, the recall of which may cause you to take a firm grip of yourself in your chair. The Associated Press has updated their 2010 Stylebook with the game-changing grammar convention shift of Web site to website. I don’t know about your company, but it has sparked conflagrative conversation here at my office.
Read MoreWhat's Up With Wire Frames?
Wire frames are one of the most recognizable deliverables in any Web development project. They’re visual, substantive, and often serve as a blueprint for the actual site. Clients love them because it’s the first tangible proof that something is actually being created.
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